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The Intellectual Property Map - a practical guide to identifying and protecting your IP




In this introductory guide, we look at how to protect your creative ideas and brand through Intellectual Property (IP). You will find here practical tips for identifying and securing copyright, design, trade mark and patent protection. We also look at some of the pitfalls and some of the ways to maximise the benefits of your IP.

o A5 paperback book
o Publication year: 2024
o Number of pages: 143
o Please note the price includes delivery


Detailed Description

This is an introductory guide to Intellectual Property (IP) – the way to protect creativity, creative ideas and branding. Written by experienced practitioners and academics, Associate Professor Peter Vaughan and Professor Jane Jarman, this visually striking, map-themed guide, takes you through the different Intellectual Property rights. It approaches them in the order you are likely to encounter them as you develop your idea / new product / business. It is written in a jargon-free manner, aimed to be readily understood by non-lawyers.  The guide will help you identify the different IP rights you are likely to be acquiring, how best to secure these rights and demonstrate them should it be needed, and how to avoid some of the common pitfalls that are unfortunately all too common. Intended as a companion whilst you create and build your business, it will allow you to build your IP protection as you grow and develop your business / idea.