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Events, Sales and Marketing

Explore marketing concepts, the complexities of consumers buying behaviour and how it is impacted by people and events. Learn about PR opportunities through event production and management, with well-connected industry professionals.

Events, Sales and Marketing

Copywriting at NTU

Words that Sell: Compelling Copywriting


Words that Sell: Compelling Copywriting: use this booking page to secure your place on the course.

Ask us if you'd prefer for an invoice to be sent to your company.

Any questions?

Contact the short course team:

Email: [email protected] 

Telephone: +44 (0)115 848 2813

You can read the terms and conditions of booking here.

StartEndCourse Fee 
Full Fee: 20 January - 24 February 2025, Mondays 6 - 8.30 pm, six weeks
20/01/202524/02/2025£270.00[Read More]