Kit In A Kase is a innovative electronic teaching tool suitable for use in KS1 through to KS3. The product is accessible and easy to adapt while being user friendly.
Detailed Description
Kit In A Kase is a innovative electronic teaching tool suitable for use in KS1 through to KS3.
This product is accessible and easy to adapt while being user friendly.
Materials – KS1
Target age range: Years 1 and 2.
Length of activity: 1 hour minimum; 1 1/2 hours is ideal.
Learning outcomes: Pupils are introduced to classifying materials and recognising their properties and uses. They will investigate the connections between materials and their properties. The pupils will also learn about changing materials, whether it is possible and if the changes are permanent.
Talk with slideshow: This interactive presentation will explain to pupils the classification of materials and their properties, in order to help determine their uses.
Hands-on experiments: The pupils will take part in activities to support the ideas discussed throughout the talk. They will categorise the materials given into selected categories, and then identify properties using a set of cards in a game format. This will continue through experimenting with magnets on a scavenger hunt. Pupils will also play a game of ‘pick a pair’, identifying materials and the objects they are used for, and they will investigate heating their own materials and evaluating any changes.
Kit In A Kase provide the information and resources to be able to run interactive hands-on minds-on science in your classroom confidently and engaging all pupils.
The resources supplied consist of;
PowerPoint Presentation
Suggested sequence of activities
Comprehensive teacher notes
Full equipment list with suggested suppliers
Pupil worksheet
Links to the national Curriculum and assessment models
Kit In A Kase products have been tried and tested during their development both in the UK and overseas and are used by experienced teachers teaching outside of their specialism or as enrichment; newly qualified teachers to build confidence in conducting practicals and trainee teachers.
Kit In A Kase are designed to make science relevant, accessible and achievable. They use low cost materials to maximum impact in education.
‘…it is very hard as a Primary School Teacher to have all the subject knowledge needed to teach a specific topic. Kit In A Kase deliver fun experiments that as a teacher myself may not have the confidence or resources to do.’
‘…Kit In A Kase has given me ideas into how to teach very complicated topics to students….’